Liberland, 2023, week 33 (August 14th – August 20th)

2023.08.20, Sunday :

The Telegraph team sailed to Liberland with the stamp of a new “state”: From an adventure in the jungle to a serious world story.

Ekipa Telegrafa uplovila u Liberland s pečatom nove “države”: Od avanture u džungli do ozbiljne svetske priče.
“Očekujem da naredne nedelje ovde dođe stotinu ljudi, a za dve nedelje oko 200. Do kraja godine očekujem i da će biti oko 1.000 stalno naseljenih građana”

2023.08.19, Saturday :

2023.08.18, Friday :

2023.08.17, Thursday :

2023.08.16, Wednesday :
Geocaching in Liberland

2023.08.15, Tuesday :

20′ video, Le Liberland enfin accessible (in french). Credits :

2023.08.14, Monday :

What does a Liberland Settlement look like after a week since the borders opened? See yourself! Become part of the freest country in the world and register at for your own e-Residency or passport!

Restoration works in center of Liberland have begun.

1’10” video : Credits :