Liberland, 2023, week 39 (September 25th – October 1st)

2023.09.30, Saturday :
Hungary’s Newest Neighbour: A Libertarian Paradise Down the Danube.
The idea of founding a country from scratch in order to establish a homeland for a nation that does not exist yet is an act that would be seen by most as patently insane. But looking a little further into the past, it should be clear to all that there is indeed such precedent; and a very notable one, in fact: the United States.

A short but lovely walk and bike ride around the wilderness of Liberland. Probably one of the 1st videos of Liberland’s first settlements ever recorded and just few days before the Croatian police destroys the whole place. This, perhaps, could be a historical footage. Hope you enjoy it!
Warning : this 14′ video was filmed on 7th of September 2023. Credits :

2023.09.29, Friday :

1 hour 20′ video. Credits :

We continue settling in Liberland.

Short video. Credits :
3’56” video. Credits :

2023.09.28, Thursday :

2023.09.27, Wednesday :

25′ video. Credits :

2023.09.26, Tuesday :