Liberland, 2023, week 45 (November 6th – November 12th)

2023.11.12, Sunday :

Life in Liberland: Helicopters, Weddings, Chapels, Saunas & MMA : November 12, 2023 – It has been quite a year for the self-proclaimed libertarian republic – a snapshot of life in Liberland as winter approaches. 2023 has undoubtedly been the most eventful year in the short history of the self-proclaimed Free State of Liberland,

Tents drying. Credits Iben.
Credits : Iben

Star link and morning in LI.

Credits : Iben

Settlers are not the only one to work hard on Liberty Island.

Beavers job. Credits : Iben.

2023.11.11, Saturday :
Not immediately directly related to the settlement, but such a relief.
The window was short. Bravo to the rescuers !

After being grounded for 2 months, Liberty ship finally rescued. Bravo! Credits : Freedom Builder.

A new equipment at Liberty Island : a sauna tent.

Credits : Iben
Credits : Iben

The gym at Liberty Island.

Credits : Vasek

Water level is same as yesterday. Coexistence with nature is going well.
Credits : Iben
Credits : Iben

Related link concerning old settlers (published 2020.11.11) :

2023.11.10, Friday :

Rainy night also …

Credits : Iben

A rainy day at the camp

Cooking and eating potatoes, under the rain.

Short video. Credits :

Cooking potatoes under the rain at Liberty Island

Credits : Iben

Water level (between Liberty Island and Liberland Mainland)

Credits : Iben

2023.11.09, Thursday :
Third building on #Liberty #Island is there! We are happy Croatian police is again more friendly. Yet we would appreciate if they stopped stealing our boats. It would help us to build faster and more decent. Next project is the biggest sand castle in Europe! πŸ™‚ All building are now heated and have electricity. #liberland #danube

Water level report, Liberty Island East.

Credits : Iben

Morning at Liberty Island

2023.11.07, Tuesday :

2023.11.06, Monday :