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Longevity Resources OxyMax 12R Ozone Generator | Proxibid

Longevity Resources OxyMax 10
Bid in a Proxibid online auction to acquire a Longevity Resources OxyMax 12R Ozone Generator EWOT Exercise w/ Oxygen Training Oxygen Concentrator from The Auction Mill.

Oxygen concentrator LLD1000 or equivalent
Can be used for several purposes:

  • Medical use, as oxygen is used in hospitals (LL has a hospital but no medical equipment in it yet)
  • EWOT aka Exercise With Oxygen Training, used by olympic athletes/ health enthusiasts.
  • Recreational use, as in oxygen bar.
  • To supply ozone machine (aka O3) for many medical, commercial, industrial, agricultural and recreational uses including medicinal, health & beauty spa, water purification

My oxygen concentrator looks like this
but mine is 10 litres per minute, 220 volts, 2.5 amps

Contact Gregg on Signal