[QtG] February 6th, 2024

Quote from admin on 2024-02-06, 1:58 pmQuestion asked in a private chat with a LL gov member on February 6th, 2024
I would ask for other information, eg what are the safety mechanism for the LL stored cryptos, eg BTC?
Multi-sig wallet or else?
What happens in the case Vit has an accident while travelling with super cheap tickets, eg in a 2nd class helicopter or private airplane travel?
In a general manner, I'm curious to know what is done to avoid mixing Vit private affairs, and Liberland affairs?
Question asked in a private chat with a LL gov member on February 6th, 2024
I would ask for other information, eg what are the safety mechanism for the LL stored cryptos, eg BTC?
Multi-sig wallet or else?
What happens in the case Vit has an accident while travelling with super cheap tickets, eg in a 2nd class helicopter or private airplane travel?
In a general manner, I'm curious to know what is done to avoid mixing Vit private affairs, and Liberland affairs?