MenuForum NavigationForumActivityLoginForum breadcrumbs - You are here:LO ForumGeneral Public Forum: InternationalThe decline of democracy in the l …Please Login to create posts and topics.The decline of democracy in the last decade has largely wiped out the recent 35 years of improvement - Human Progressadmin@admin360 PostsLiberland Private Forum UsergroupLiberland Public Forum Usergroup#1 · 2024-01-04, 10:43 amQuote from admin on 2024-01-04, 10:43 amThe decline of democracy in the last decade has largely wiped out the recent 35 years of improvement The decline of democracy in the last decade has largely wiped out the recent 35 years of improvement Are the Autocratizers Overtaking the Democratizers? Post Reply: The decline of democracy in the last decade has largely wiped out the recent 35 years of improvement - Human Progress CancelRSS Feed Forum membership