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[Sume] Working with Sume - general point

Working with Sume

We are currently in a stalemate situation since 21st September. Maybe this could resolve nextly (but by which miracle ?), maybe it can last 10 years.
Currently there is 0 private investor who is trying or wants to build something in LL, while being on the permanent threat of having it destroyed at any moment.
imo, we must try things to get out of this situation.

I read sometimes that Sume is more or less a pawn in the hand of Croatian government.
Which I understand as "no need to speak with Sume, since they are only a puppet, let's speak with the one who pulls the strings".
I disagree both on the premise, and on what it would imply.

I live on the countryside (in France) and my experience with our ONF (National Forest Office) is that merely they do absolutely what they want, without being controlled/annoyed by the central state. They do more or less what they want with the wood and the animals. (ONF has a de facto quite monopoly on many forests ... but is losing money for more than decades ... but this is not a problem).

My guess is that it is probably not very different in Croatia (and in many other countries).
And, even if Sume would be piloted by Zagreb, it is a bad idea not to try to treat with them.
- If Sume is not piloted ... it is just a catastrophic politics from our side.
- If Sume is piloted ... being kind with them cannot hurt.

I'll stop here for the context, and may make some propositions about things doable with Sume.
But I would be interested about reactions to this little analysis.

for an example of doable things.

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