MenuForum NavigationForumActivityLoginForum breadcrumbs - You are here:LO ForumGeneral Public Forum: InternationalSeasteading[Aisland] The Dream of Floating C …Please Login to create posts and topics.[Aisland] The Dream of Floating Cities/Stateadmin@admin310 PostsLiberland Private Forum UsergroupLiberland Public Forum Usergroup#1 · 2023-12-12, 9:41 amQuote from admin on 2023-12-12, 9:41 am[Aisland] The Dream of Floating Cities/State [Aisland] The Dream of Floating Cities/State Everybody asks me, what is your goal in #seasteading? My answer is: "I'm the simple executor of the vision of 5 magical cats" 😺Here is the complete story: — Aislander (@Seasteader1) December 12, 2023 Post Reply: [Aisland] The Dream of Floating Cities/State CancelRSS Feed Forum membership